, 36
Dari New York City
Looking for my soulmate I' m also willing to meet that special man God has sent to me,that i will be with from now till death do us part.I just need every thing i ever wanted in one man only, i am ready to spend both my day and night with that special man I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that Men need to be treated with respect and as a equal partner in a relationship, but all I seem to find is the ones that does not know how to respond to that or is untrusting to it. I feel like u should treat somebody with respect and like they are a person not a piece of meat or whatever
Menarik: Laki-laki
Umur: 26 - 35
Tujuan: Long-term relationship, Persahabatan, Menggoda dan berkencan
Pendapatan rata-rata yang tetap
Apartemen terpisah (disewa atau dimiliki)
Tidak ada anak-anak
Pendidikan tinggi
Bahasa: English
Minum untuk pergaulan
  • Amerika Serikat
Penduduk Asli Amerika
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